Tuesday, February 27, 2007

carmon post 9

Discuss the changes you notice in your understanding and skill with the technical resources and concepts we have used in class.

I noticed that I have gotten better in using some of the tools, but I still do not feel comfortable with the over all concept, because I never thought I would be taking a course that seems to be totally different than what I am majoring in. I am still experimenting with the other tools so that I will be more versatile. The tools that I find myself using the most are the cut and paste, erasers, lasso, shading, stamper, fading, moving tool and use of the colors. I feel that i am still limited, because at times I am afraid that I might mess up. I have learned to undo using the back tool too.

I am beginning to understand how this class can help me in the classroom. But I also know how a student can feel if they are learning new concepts and do not know how they will fit into the over all concept.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Snow scenes

Discuss the process of creating your video. Discussion should include but not be limited to: how you chose your group, how you came up with your ideas, how (logistically as well as qualitatively) you worked together on the project.

In choosing my video I based it around the winter month. I took advantage of the bad weather and on 14 February 2007 I did a video of the beauty the snow created in its surroundings. I picked an area around Columbus State College, Columbus State and Ohio State University. There were no people at the small park, so I committed on it some. At Columbus State likewise there was no one around so I committed on the weather and how it fed in with the buildings at Columbus State. At Ohio State University I was surprised to see so many students. They were taking advantage of the day off and playing in the snow. I took the opportunity to film them playing in the snow with various objects to slide on. It was fun watching the students being innovative.

Graphic Design

What do graphic design and page layout have to do with contemporary literacy and learning?

Well, to me graphic design gives flavor to the page. Most of us like seeing designed Web pages or anything that catches our attention. This is the way Websites catch our attention.

The page layout seems to be done to attract certain audiences. For an example, if one likes computers, advertising computers in the layout will draw more customers.
The contemporary literacy seems to be very catchy with the younger generation. I believe this is another way to reach various audiences. It appears the more you know about your product, the more you can attract

Page layout

Discuss ideas you have for how you might use page layout or newsletters professionally.

1. One advantage I see in having newsletters is that I can use them to e-mail my students when I want to keep them updated.
2. Another thing I can use the Newsletter for is for advertising in my home base business would do some good.
3. I believe over all that Newsletter just add to the flavor of the site.


Discuss ideas you have for how you might use image editing professionally.

Well, some ideas I have already in using Adobe Photoshop professionally are as follows:

1. I am thinking about starting a home based business. I plan to make a Website that will advertise my business. Since I would like my site to be very attractive, I plan to use Adobe Photoshop to build my Website.
2. I plan to use snap shots, imported features and live photos. I also want to know how to use photo so that I can clean up on photos I have taken that look degraded.I am also looking at teaching at one of the career centers and believe I can increase the enrollment of my classes by offer

Experience in editing images

Discuss your experience so far editing images in Photoshop. Topic examples include: how you come up with your ideas, what you find interesting, what you would like to work on, etc.

My experience so far in editing the images in PhotoShop has been disastrous. I believe this is because I am new to this type of software and do not feel comfortable using it. Also since I do not have the software at home makes me have to use it on campus. When I get out of class I find myself too sleepy and unmotivated to want to stay on campus, after a hard days work. I tried to download the shareware versions of the Adobe Photoshop and initially I went through many screens where as I was prompted to commit to purchasing something in turn for getting the software usage for 30 days. Finally I got to a sight where I was able to download the software for thirty days, but it was semi-functional. When I brought my partially finished software from OSU and began editing it, I found that the features I had at school went away when I used the software at home. The issues that I found out about using the software at home was that I did not contain the full features, therefore, causing what was done at school to go away. Then I found out that if I e-mailed so of my projects home, the firewall in my home computer listed the e-mails as viruses.

I would like to work on learning how to embed the images better and smooth out the rough spots.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

What do you know about computers?

What do you know about computers?

Do you know what a CPU is?

What do you refer to the large board on the bottom of your computer as?

Do you know what an IRQ address is?

Have you ever heard of someone referring to a BIOS in your computer?

Are you familar with the term Upgrade?

How about telling me somethings about your computer expereince?

Computer Survey

At last posting i avertized that I sell computers and other associated equipment.

I would like to ask a series of questions to find out what i can do to serve you better?

Do you like using computers a lot?

What do you use computers mainly for?

Do you use the college computers or do you have your own?

How fast is the computer that you have now?

How much would you pay for a computer or upgrade?